2 posts

Lucas Harper

Lucas Harper, an architectural photographer, captures the essence of buildings through evocative imagery. His keen eye for detail and composition brings architectural marvels to life.

Symphony of Timber: 7 Fascinating Wood Houses Worldwide

In a world of steel and concrete, wood remains a timeless and versatile building material. Wood houses, with their warmth, sustainability, and design flexibility, have continued to captivate architects and homeowners alike. Join us on a global journey as we explore seven wood houses that are not only architectural marvels
⸱ 3 minutes read

Living Architecture: Alain de Botton's Eco-Friendly Retreats

Alain de Botton's Living Architecture is a visionary project that seeks to redefine our relationship with architecture, nature, and sustainability. This unique initiative offers eco-friendly retreats in some of the most picturesque landscapes in the United Kingdom.
⸱ 2 minutes read